Tickets bought. Final arrangements are being made. What we’ve been working and planning towards for over 3 years is finally happening! While planning for the future, I sort of forgot about what we were leaving behind and it’s starting to hit me.
Planning our going away party, no problem. But envisioning actually saying goodbye to people? My stomach tenses up and my heart feels like it’s going to burst. Don’t even get me started on saying goodbye to my parents! I know it’s not forever, but even saying goodbye for a long while is tough. I know we’ll be missing out on big life events. Weddings, babies, holidays, other milestones that we won’t get to be a part of.
I’ve done it once before when I moved to New York. But then, I was always home for Christmas and a visit in the summer. There wasn’t a finality in moving to New York. It was always a “see ya later” and never a “goodbye”. It’s easy to jump on a flight from New York to Seattle if you’re feeling a little homesick. Not so much from South East Asia.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m also over the top excited for our trip!
Even if I don’t look like it here:
I HATE needles….
Vaccines. Check!
The next month will include us deciding what we will be keeping, selling, or gifting, as well as planning out our final few weeks. People to see and things to do!
I know a little of how you feel. I will be a bumbling idiot when I say goodbye to you two in New York.
Ha! Yup, that one will be hard too! SO glad we get that time with you guys 🙂
It’ll all be fine. We’re so lucky with today’s technology that you can easily keep in contact. But it is not easy saying goodbye…