Introducing The Budget Minded Traveler Blueprint

Since Jake and I made the decision to travel long-term we were met with a lot of different reactions from people.

“So, are you quitting your jobs?” “How can you afford it?” “Are you OK putting your life on hold?”
But the most common response we have heard overall has been, “Wow, you are so lucky. I wish I could do that.”


I want to preference this post to say that Jake and I worked really hard to make this trip a reality. We saved and we made sacrifices for three years. We prioritized paying off our debt. We don’t own a home or have children.  Not that these things have to stand in the way of taking a trip like ours but they can sure make things more complicated.


That being said we are also very lucky to be who we are, have the support of our friends and family, and to be born in the US. All of these things make this way of life much easier than it is for so many others around the world. So I will recognize our privilege right now.
However,  99.99% of the people we spoke to are just as privileged. So, if we can do it, so can most of you reading this!


For people who are interested in long-term travel, it can seem impossible to make it happen.
Even if you aren’t interested in long-term travel like us, many of you I’m sure just want to take that trip you’ve been dreaming of. Either way, travel planning takes a lot of work!


When we first started to research traveling for a year, I read just about everything I could about travel-planning, saving, and how to prepare for a life abroad. One of the biggest resources for me was a travel podcast and blog, “The Budget-Minded Traveler“, hosted by Jackie Nourse. meeting traveling Jackie - Budget minded traveler
Her real-world experience of traveling over the last 15 years brought some much-needed insight and perspective to my planning. We were even able to connect in person when she passed through Seattle! (And we’re also birthday twins, so that’s pretty special too…)


Jackie has just released a course, The Budget Minded Traveler Blueprint,  with some really incredible resources. Some I used because of her recommendations and some I wish I had known before we started this journey! We’re always learning, that’s for sure.


I’m so very proud of all the work that Jackie put into this course, and am honored to be an affiliate for her. What that means is that if you decide to purchase her course through a link on our website and LOVE it (Jackie offers a 30-day money back guarantee), then we get a small commission.
Honestly, I would promote this course for free. (shhh) It answers so many of the questions we get asked about on a regular basis and we had while planning this trip. The material is a combination of videos, worksheets, text, and links to valuable resources.
So, if you are one of the many people who has ever thought, “I wish I could do that.” or “I want to travel more.” or “I wish I could meet up with Danielle and Jake somewhere amazing, but I don’t know how.” this course is for you!
If the course isn’t for you, but you still want some guidance about travel, send us a message! Or you can join the Budget Minded Traveler Community on Facebook. There are so many travelers that hang out there who are more than happy to give any advice or recommendations you may need.
So, what are you waiting for?

Get Traveling!

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